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What is a digital garden?#

A digital garden is a mix between a notebook and a blog, it is a place to share thoughts and cultivate them into garden. A blog has articles and a publication date and never changes after it has been published, whereas a digital garden is a place where the written notes keep getting edited and refined. The notes can span from short cheatsheets to full notes on an entire subject going into every detail.

Another characteristic of a digital garden is the navigation: where a blog is usually explored in chronological order, a digital garden uses lots of internal links to connect all the notes together into a Network.

How was my garden built?#

My notes are written in Markdown using Obsidian. Why Obsidian and Markdown? Because I like how easy it is just to write a few things down without having to spend a lot of my time. These technologies however do allow me to go into deep detail if needed by offering lots of cool tools to draw diagrams, add code snippets etc.

All my notes are stored in a Vault that is hosted on Github which allows me to read and edit my notes on any device I own, be it my laptop, computer or phone.

I then have a second repository on Github which takes my non-private notes and builds them into a simple website using mkdocs and the material theme. Therefore after an initial setup(Which can take a lot of time depending on what you want your page to look like and be able to handle) everything works automatically I can just concentrate on writing my notes.

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